
Globe Labs Voice API & IVES

Globe Labs Voice API & IVES
Project TYPE
Creative & UI lead
brand book & UI
Link / Resource

Voice technology is very popular in our industry right now, and we use it in our daily lives, from voice activation to voice commands and voice information. That’s why Globe Labs introduced another solution that can be used in businesses to escalate the ladder of experience of end-users. We call IVES stands for Interactive Voice Engagement Solution; here, you can create IVR (Interactive Voice Response) by drag-and-drop voice actions and send it to multiple recipients through created campaigns.

We built this solution from the ground up and had intensive brainstorming with other teams to build this up.

One of my tasks is to create a brand logo for IVES, but before this, I was also assigned to create an event logo for voice API (The Rise of Voice).

The Rise of Voice logo studies

Study 1: Base on sound level/signal with playful approach in typography.
Study 2: Base on V with an accent of sound wave.

Study 3: Same concept with a sound wave with event title typography.

As a designer, you have this favorite logo design. I really like the 1st study, that’s why I made it as much as possible to present it in detailed to have the stakeholder in favor of that design study. So I created different executions of the logotype and iconography base on the concept. But they decided to choose the 3rd study and study 2 use for IVES logo :(

The Rise of Voice Design

Voice API demo pages

The event was a huge success!


IVES logo design

The management loves the second concept that I suggested from the event of The Rise of Voice that is why we repurposed design and matched it with sci-fi typeface.

From the brand visual, I made mockup designs of main website, and newsroom.

Later on, A shift from blue to purple color was applied during the process to distinguish the color of IVES and AMBER that uses same color tone of blue.

Awareness campaign video that we produced for Globe Labs API & IVES. 

Globe Labs Voice API & IVES
Globe Labs Voice API & IVES
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